Agave horrida

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Approximately 50 miles South of Mexico City in the state of Morelos is an outcropping of lava fields that provide the substrate for Agave horrida. This is the only place in which this species grows, & whilst Lemaire gave this special succulent plant a name that reflects repulsion, I am an admirer of the species & do like the name. Growing at an altitude of 7000'-8000' this locale has become difficult to visit. Agave horrida is found adjacent to the highway and parking is not permitted, though in the past it was. Agave horrida has become very popular in the trade for it's non-offsetting, small to medium nature that stays compact and does well in pots. Growing at high elevation makes Agave horrida a hardy member of the genus and can handle temperatures as low as the mid to low 20's.
